
[WIP] Presenter task - Storyboard

The idea is clear and simple.
1. Animated ceremony logo - I will make it or download from past ceremonies (depends on sources)
2. Zoom in like on real ceremonies with title and all that stuff. Let's make fun! 
3. Split screen of all nominated actors and horizontal screen of host. Titles, names and category name. Fancy background
4. Same, but without host. 

I've animated simple mouth moves (yes! for all 1150 frames!). Got something to work on. But.. maybe after Christmas.


And now for something completely different

I got my clip for second task - Presenter.
It is from Rowan Atkinson live - The good loser.
0:00 - 0:48


Should be easy and fun to do!



Well, got confused for a moment.
I'm half way through my presentation about.. 'How to train your dragon' and I've just noticed that couple of people did presentation about the same movie. Luckly, different clips.
This means, my presentation has to kick ass!
That is why, for better effect I'm doing everything in Flash. This will look awesome!
Welp, going back to work.



Wow, actually I can't believe I haven't wrote anything for 6 days now. I finished first animation, reference shooting will be done at home, same as presentation and.. I was bored. So I've refreshed my portfolio page. For around a week I was working on this day by day (you see, I used to be a web programmer) and  well, actually night by night (I took advantage of less crowded labs from 20-02am) and yay, it is finished!



[WIP] Lip sync v.3.1

Okay, so here:
- Made eyedarts more subtle, revised lids
- Revised B, V, F phonemes (lip roll)
- Left hand (shoulder, hand, palm) delayed by 1 frame
- Exaggerated E, A phonemes

[WIP] Lip sync v.3

Okay, a lot happening last days. I got really got feedback from Remi. Also, Scott during the classess noticed, I'm missing one phoneme - u - in 'once' phrase. I've watched this video over 1000 times and I haven't notice that one.
Feedback is really helpful. I love it - I feel I improve with every change in my animations.
Enough of talkie-talkie. Watchie-watchie now.


[WIP] Lip sync v.2.2

As Remi suggested on Facebook group, I've added eyes micromovements. Still not sur about that. I will see what other people think about it.


[WIP] Lip sync v.2

Here it is! So after feedback, I changed and added some phonemes. Yes, it looks better now. Also, I added detailed couch and basic environment.

[WIP] Lip sync v.1.1

Totally forgotten to upload that couple of days ago. So.. here it is:

Based on my reference I added exact body moves. Oh.. exact.. I exaggerated it a bit.
Well, I posted that on Facebook couple of days ago, got my feedback.
I'm just going to change some things now.

Hey kids! Lip sync is fun!


[WIP] Lip Sync v.1.0

Basing on my reference:

I have created first lip sync + facial expressions version:

While you watch this, I'm working on body (torso and hands) animation.

First production fun-fact:
My mom thought, that's my voice. I got really confused.


Lip sync - Preparation

So, I started working on lip sync task.
For now I've created phonemes (Yes, phonemes. I like old ways) poses in PoseMan plugin, which always helped me a lot in lip syncs.

So, based on my phonemes sheet (which I created some time ago) I got following basic poses:

I think I will go for 'Talk About' from 'Searching for Bobby Fischer' movie, because I always wanted to do lip sync full of emotions, I mean sad emotions. Just to show good acting skills. And that's going to be a challenge for me.

Voice One: "He is better at this... than I have ever been at anything. My son has a gift. He has a gift! And once you acknowledge that, then, maybe... we'll have something to talk about."

You can download it here: http://www.11secondclub.com/competitions/july08/download/


AP1 - Summary

Okay, I just uploaded last sketches for Animation Practise 1 module. The last few days were crazy. Sketch sketch sketch sketch!

Well, a few words about the module.
To be honest, at the beginning I was very sceptical. Not about me (if I can handle), but about tasks. When I came to Middlesbrough I expected at the first classes something like:
'Okay! Gimme your scenarios and start animating your short for whole year!'

But as I googled Animation Mentor classes I realized, that silly tasks like animating a ball is everywhere and has to be done - even by guy who worked in the 3D industry for a year.

By a matter of time, I understand what for these tasks were for and I can proudly say - I enjoyed everything so far and learned new things. That's why we're here for.

I can't wait for lip-sync part! I always liked it a lot, because when I animate lip-sync I always involuntarily move my mouth and act strange. Strange for non-animators co-workers.
It's fun!

Okay, I can relax now.

[Sketch] Artsy Poses 2


[Sketch] Artsy Poses

Today I launched http://www.artsyposes.com and started 30s sketching. Results below.

[Sketch] Tired

As I am now


[Final] Combined Animation

Yes, it's finally here!
Well.. I finished it like couple of days ago but I gave it a time to settle. Now, I'm sure it's final.

Change log:
+ Added anticipation before he puts bag down
+ Added ambient sound
+ Redone sound effects - different timing in newest version
+ Rendered in 720p

Problems during whole production:
My main problem was in.. render farm. I followed all steps on tutorial on SCM but it seems to be disconnected. I wrote to the technicians on Wednesday. Today is Saturday - no response. Even I stated it's very important and has to be rendered as soon as possible. Well.. Big disappointment.
Luckily, I managed to render everything on 5 machines in labs. It took me 6 hours. Wasted six hours.

I can say, the hardest part was when character was putting bag down - which took most of time animating whole scene. Comparing it to the walk cycle, second one was piece of cake.

I spent some time studying references - I have no idea how I could animate without them in the past (well.. hard beginnings). I would like to thank fellow mates from MACHARACTER group for brilliant feedback.

Also, I am really happy that we have weekly feedback sessions. Without that I wouldn't add anticipation, and without anticipation scene was totally understood only by me. I love that feeling when I go back to my previous work and say to myself: 'What I was thinking when doing this this way and not that way.' Ah! Self-development!

To sum up, I spent 40 hours animating, and whole week before for planning - I can fully agree with Ollie Johnston:
'Spend half your time planning your scene and the other half animating.'

Okay, so Animation Practice 1 module is done. Can't wait for lip-sync now!

[Sketch] Balance


[Sketch] Action, moods 2

Finally, when my animation is done I have time to sketch!


[Sketch] Action, moods

Just had some time today so started sketching.


[WIP] Combined Animation RC1

Changed/repaired maaany thing. I'm too tired to write them down.
Enjoy! ZzZzzZzzzz


Combined Animation - Sketches

Here are sketches based on my reference video. They are out of date but I thought I still may share here.

Lazy and tired walk.

Bend to open the bag


Got it! But.. Whoops! Wrong present!

Searching again

Got it! Put it on the ground.

With this step I can access the chimney.

Sweet! But.. What's that?! OMG! OMG!


Leave me alone you evil squirrel!


[WIP] Combined animation - Run inspiration

My inspiration (for hands and head) comes from Team Fortress 2 game, when soldiers team gets humiliated.

Skip to 0:19

[WIP] Combined animation v1.0

Okay, since last version:
+Added facial expressions
+Fixed knees popping
+Remade head moves (0:00-0:06)
+Added palm animation
+More 'Goofy' run
+Fixed many bugs
+Added hat animation - It is soft body dynamics modifier - I'm not going to create another rig and animate it. Also, it's only for creating just a little movement - I don't want it to be still.

This version was posted on MACHARACTER group for feedback.

[WIP] Combined animation alpha

Based on my reference footage I have created basic animation in one working day.
This version is not public - it means it's not feedback ready. Still much to do.
It's 1:15, I think it's high time to go home.


[Sketch] Redrawn sketchbook

As library scanner lost all details of my sketch book I decided to redraw everything I got there so far.
Well, I don't use it a lot as I prefer sketching on tablet but still, there is something.


[WIP] Combined animation part 3

Change log:
- Added shadows (pass)
- Added bag rig (described below)
- Added present box
- Replaced old snow - added NURBS only
- Optimized render time from 0:45 to 0:20 (720p)

Bag rig:

Just fast rig with 5 controllers:
OPEN/CLOSE CTRL - placed for opening a bag (present box). It also rotates upper part.
UP CTRL - Bend/flex purposes. Also it will guarantee that bag will align to characters shoulder.
MIDDLE CTRL - Same. Also it will control swing.
BOTTOM CTRL -  It controls bending (up/down) when character is crouching.
MAIN CTRL - Just for moving bag with controllers.

I am happy with the results so far. As I got 5 days till reference shooting I will probably concentrate on sketches. There is nothing more to do with 3D for now.


[WIP] Combined animation part 2

Based on my quick sketches I have created environment with no more than 600 polys (which is okay I think) including studio sphere. As roof only was not enough for me I've added tailor and character. Then character didn't match so.. I have dressed him like a Santa! I have imported my Santa's hat which I made like year ago for my previous Christmas animation.
Everything took me exactly two hours. Time well spent.
Okay, that's all folks! I'm going home.

[WIP] Combined animation

Okay, so today also I started thinking of Animation task 6 - All in one.
So my first idea was fetching a ball by squirrel. But.. it's not original at all.
So I come up with another one (as Christmas are almost here! :D) - Santa!
Yes, so long story short: Santa want's to go through the chimney, he puts a present box to step on and easily get on the chimney. He climbs somehow and suddenly sees something at the bottom. He gets scared and jumps off the chimney. After him a mad (or even evil!) squirrel chases him on the roof. Ta-daaa!
Yay, so while you enjoy my storyboard below I started modelling the scene.

[Sketch] Arches

Today I studied arches (because it is extremely important in animation) in different poses. Here is what I got so far.


[Final] Personality walk [revamped]

Okay, okay!
It's the final, final version this time.
Added some space after the reaction (face) and before he grabs his phone.
Also, added iPhone text sound.
uh, done!


[Final] Personality Walk

As promised! Final version is here!
So to sum up this project, I've created a personality walk strictly based on reference (showed in background in previous posts), created environment and modelled an iphone.
Animation is fun!

iPhone whale is popular meme on Internet - http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/iphone-whale

[WIP] Personality walk v4

Right, after 7 hours (it's 00:15 now! oh wow..) here is another take. Rendered version, added phone, environment and I think that's it.
Still image (which is only for timing purposes) will be replaced tomorrow (or.. today?) with moving hand.
Ok, I'm going home.


[Final] Overjoyed - revamped

Here is overjoyed pose after feedback session.

+ Added desk on every screen
+ Changed third pose (more contrast)
+ Blurred screen on first pose - let viewer be unsure till third screen what is character happy about

[WIP] Personality walk v3

+ Pockets
+ Hands animated from scratch
+ Exaggerated up and downs
- Background (frames)


[WIP] Personality Walk - Accidental Ctrl+X

This happens when you accidentally delete one bone. Undo doesn't work. That's Maya.
Based on my previous experience I save file every fifteen minutes - no work loss at all.



[WIP] Personality walk v2.0

So here is first 'public' version of personality walk. There are still some glitches but I got whole week to polish it up.
Meanwhile I start thinking of next task - combining everything.

[WIP] Personality walk - Do it like Art Babbitt!

After so long time I just recognized Art Babbitt's style in my personality walk. Like old style animation. I realized that after reading again walk cycles section in 'Animator's survival kit'.
Okay, back to work.


[WIP] Personality walk 1.0

It seems I got the early alpha version of personality walk. I don't even post that on facebook to get the feedback. It is the stage where I see what's wrong but just to show the progress I post here my playblast.
Aye, welcome november!


#Personal victory

Finally managed to keep unbreaked joints together. Not a [WIP] note. Just happy with the results of personal walk task.

oh! And here is my reference.


[Final] Poses - Troubled

Same thing.
I added clouds and grey room to exaggerate the mood.

[Final] Poses - Overjoyed

After feedback from our group and seeing the image whole week to see what to change... Here is the final version of overjoyed poses.


[WIP] Poses - Overjoyed

Just fast update: