
[RRR!] Splines

First version in splines. At first look it doesn't look SO different than previous one.
But I had some fixing to do:
  • Completely redone some of left hand movements. 
  • Fixed elbow [Thanks Scott!]
  • Fixed facial expressions
  • Fixed head and body moves on run - loads of clipping errors
  • Got rid of other clipping errors

Still needs more polishing, blinks and other tiny things that matters.

[SFS] Reach

A tiny robot is given the gift of life with only one limitation, the length of his power cable. When a curious bird appears at the workshop window, the robot feels a lust to live outside of his reach that may be his demise.
Perfect example of how short and simple animation can do well in the industry. The creator, Luke Randall got a job at Dreamworks after submitting this short at Cannes festival.
That is why I started thinking of keeping my animation really simple.

The idea and the results are fantastic! I love the robots movements and how he acts like a human. We can feel his emotions by his adorable look!

In 8 months Luke done this lovely animation as a graduate project in Maya and After Effects.

Well done!



[RRR!] Linear_03

Change log:
- Cleaned up keys in graph editor (about 15kb drop in scene file = a lot keys)
- Fixed some moves (walk; box defining; crawling)
- Added anticipation after opening the box
- Camera shake
- Longer 'ok' pose

Maya 2013

Hey! Check out what we can expect in Maya 2013!

Most interesting changes for animators:

Improved import and export with ATOM file format: You can now share and reuse animation more efficiently using Maya's ATOM (Animation Transfer Object Model). The .atom file type and its associated import/export options let you save specific poses or animation sequences, then easily reload them onto other objects. ATOM options let you set precisely which animation to reuse and how you want to import and export it. After exporting, you can import animation based on the character hierarchy, name matching, or using a template file as a filter.

Retime animation: In the Graph Editor, the Retime Tool lets you directly adjust the timing of key movements in your animations. This tool provides a new type of timing manipulator in the graph view, letting you shift key moments in time, or warp entire sequences to make them occur faster or slower. For animators working in a pipeline with multiple Autodesk applications, similar animation retiming tools are available.

Stepped Tangent preview mode: The new Stepped Tangent preview playback mode lets you temporarily set all keys to display with Stepped tangents, switching easily from Spline to Stepped and back. Play your animation in this mode to get a quick view of object positions as they hit each keyframe.

Playblast updated: Maya now supports H.264 Quicktime output on Windows 64-bit. In addition, audio and multi-track audio are supported.



[RRR!] Linear_02

Tweaked linear version including feedback notes from tutors and RRR! group.
Also added facial expressions, more accurate fingers/palms animation and better body weighting.
The change log is a lot longer, but I can't remember now :-P


[SFS] Funismagus

Funismagus Project designs the magic wand of an explorer who set forth on a journey for revenge. The magic wand will fight four powers of the ancient world (fire, water, earth and air) and it will lead the way for the explorer. The material, of which the wand is made, is the threads torn off from ten great magicians’ robes as the thread is the closest material to the human body. It surrounds one, shifts shape and stretches or shrinks accordingly.
In the video, you will see how the explorer selects where to go in a valley and the interactive solutions I came up for the issue.

The most interesting thing over here is integration of 2D elements to show thoughts which could be difficult to express with 3D.. okay, maybe not difficult but it would take large amount of time. The same technique is commonly used in games. They create 2D cinematic because it's cheaper, easier and faster. I love this trend that's why this animation just took my heart.

Also, it is good to see well customized morpheus rig. Perfect example of using free rig in animated short.

However, the story could be more clear, but still, it looks great.
Another great inspiration for my final short animation.



Kenny Roy's updated workflow sheet

Kenny has just updated his workflow sheet by adding description to every stage of animation.
Definietly worth downloading.

Go and get it here:


[RRR!] Linear_01

First linear version.
Quite happy with the results, however it still needs much work to do.
My aim is to complete this animation just after Easter. From now it's three weeks so it's possible. However, last week will be shared with preproduction to next task - dialogue. Can't feel the spring break.

[RRR!] Blocking combined

So, everybody sent me their scene files and after fighting with Maya (crash after crash) I finally combined three rigs and playblasted 3GB file of 3000 frames.
Then, to fit the sound track I've edited some parts and.. voilà!

This is a good sign, three rigs matches the same scene so rendering stage will be really easy.
This video has been sent for feedback.


[RRR!] Blocking_03

Totally forgotten to upload final blocking stage.
This version is from 14/03/2012.
Currently working on linear version.

Change log:
- Add anticipation, considering, pose in the half of the walk
- Longer 'calm down' pose
- Shakes pulls the mime (to be polished in splines)
- One 'ok' sign


[SFS] French Roast

In a fancy Parisian Café, an uptight businessman is about to pay the check when he finds out that he's lost his wallet. To save time he decides to order more coffee...

French Roast made by Fabrice Joubert is a wonderful short film which received Best of Show Prize at Siggraph 2009. It also was nominated as Best Animated Short Film for the 82nd Annual Academy Awards.

The most amazing thing in the whole short is, that it's made of a single camera shot and the story is made without dialogue, yet we can fully understand what's going on.

Nice job and great piece of inspiration.



[Sketch] Life drawing 20/02/2012

4 minutes poses

[Sketch] Life drawing 12/03/2012

2 minutes drawings:

20 minutes:

[Sketch] Life drawing 05/03/2012

Primitive sketches - 1 minute drawings
Better ones - 15 minutes

[RRR!] Blocking_02 & Feedback

Second take on blocking.
After feedback, I got following things to do:
- Add anticipation, considering, pose in the half of the walk
So, after two/three steps he will stop, point with his thumb 'what has just happened' pose, and then continue going with scratching his head.
- Longer ‘calm down’ pose
- Shakes pulls the mime
- One ‘ok’ sign


[SFS] Waking Gus

Meet Gus; A dapper morning person with a passion for the nine to five. Unfortunately, Gus' routine has come down with a strange case of terminal velocity..

Made in two months by 'Supersocks' team for Dreamscape Cgchallenge.
As they work full time, they had to balance between their jobs and making of the Gus, that is why they sometimes worked at night. 

Perfect example of one of the main rules in cg/animation - KISS (keep it simple stupid). As we can see, worked pretty well.
Software used:
Zbrush (modelling, details) and Maya (rigging [Anzovin Studio's the setup machine 2], animation).
Lovely animation, great job Supersocks!



[RRR!] Blocking_01

As I started over again, I present.. first version of blocking stage!
The walk is on 20's, crawl on 30's. Should be enough.
Also, applied just a basic sound of fight/crash.


Acting Principles Presentation

Link link!

My first presentation was in Powerpoint, second in Flash, so to keep up changes, this time - Google Docs!
Have fun.

[RRR!] Weekly To-do list

For today's feedback I've prepared weekly list of changes in my animation.
After short consultation with tutors, it looks like that:

  • Refine the walk - add the personality
  • Add scared reaction (jump/stop for few seconds)
  • Refine the left hand moves (too slow when defining the box)
  • Refine/exaggerate body moves on shakes
  • Micromovements
  • Anticipation
  • Eye darts
  • More jumps on running (too flat)
  • Crawling - Add personality
  • 'OK' gesture - add nice arcs (possibly using FK's)
  • More scared just before dragging - like monster just caught his leg and is going to drag him. Also add grab-like gestures to prevent dragging
  • Crawling - possibly two or three moves further

Here are also few drawings with some ideas/key poses.


Kenny Roy's workflow sheet

Get it here:

My workflow

First of all, I work 8 hours daily. I love my tempo and I try to work every day. That's my little secret.

So, here is my workflow:

1. Storyboard, sketches, poses.
 Drawing stage. Getting everything I might need during the production.

2. Animatic (not always; depends on animation)

3. Reference

4. Staging, layout

5. Blocking
Do the blocking of the main controllers (moving character around, testing hands moves).
Set the timing and key poses based on reference and sketches

6. Lip sync (if required), facial expressions, blinks.
When the head is stiff and there is nothing to distract, I work on the face.
However, when the main part of the animation is the body move, I include this step in point 9.

7. Animating straight ahead - legs and hips. Giving a sense of weight. Arcs. Checking with timing.
Animating upper part of the body.
Animating hands.

8. Create a daily to-do lists based on notes taken from last playblast. Make changes.

9. Start polishing up the animation. Same trick - create a to-do list. If I got another thing in mind to work on, I just take a note and move it on the next day. Trying not to do two things at the same time - thinking of what to change and animating.

10. Final check.

It's kind of combination of both techniques (straight ahead and pose-to-pose). It fits me perfectly.


[RRR!] Sneak a peek 3

I know.. The second should be the last one, but I'm still not fully satisfied to call it version 1.0.

added the face expressions.
Still refining the walk (first two steps) is to do. But I don't know if I'm going to make it before Wednesday.


[RRR!] Sneak a peek 2

The last sneak a peek.
Change log:
- Add two more steps at the beginning
- Refine walk cycle
- Get rid of elbow popping
- Add some clumsy box moves aka not a perfect mime when stressed
- Refine shakes
- Refine crawling

To do before Wednesday:
- Add face expressions
- Refine dragging (just add some belly/body moves, easy peasy)
- Refine first steps (done today). Now, when I watch it I don't like it


[RRR!] Sneak a peek

Just a sneak a peek. Really early version of coming animation.
Day 3 it is.

- Add two more steps at the beginning
- Refine walk cycle
- Get rid of elbow popping
- Add some clumsy box moves aka not a perfect mime when stressed
- Refine shakes
- Add face expressions
- Refine crawling
- Refine dragging

[SFS] Insert Coin

Simple kids race with vehicles becoming better and better on each level. But the fun has to end at some point..

Short created by final year students (Alisson Thiébaut, Beucler Louis, Garcia Tunon Nicolas and Mathieu Tiger) of  the Albert Jacquard School of Namur, Belgium.

They used Max with v-ray for modelling, animation and rendering, ZBrush for details and Photoshop for textures. For rigging students used famous BonyFace plugin, which almost automatically does the hard job. It puts weighting and attaches controls. Simple and clever, huh?
Production time: 15 months.

Firstly, when I saw the thumbnail on Vimeo.com I thought 'hey! I know this rig! It looks like elevenrig which I use in my animations. I have to see it!'. But then, wow, it's not elevenrig but it looks awesome.
And yes, with colourful environments, this cute animation took my heart. Looks really charming with a little sense of competition. I knew it has to be imagination, but I expected that it will be in kids room or sandbox. Great idea with nice production.

Source: http://www.insertcoinlefilm.com/


So randomly googilng for some animaion inspirations I've found great site called Oanim.com.
Loads of newest animations with production details included.

Go now and check out http://www.oanim.com/


[Acting principles presentation] Clips

So my presentation is ready.
Today I've finally chosen the clips I'm going to use.
It was really hard decision and took me couples of days.

Live action:
Leon the professional

The Iron Giant

All I have to do is prepare to presentation on Tuesday.


[RRR!] Meeting and reference

So, first of all, we had/still having meeting. We set up our scenes, refined scales (three different rigs) and helped Rachel K with texturing.
I guess the teamwork is going smoothly and we're having a lot of fun!

Also, I've made final reference of my animation. 34 seconds and there is nothing I can do to shorten it to be less than 30. I prefer having good quality (and clear) animation.

So today I start animating! Yay!