Me, Animation and I

What to begin with.. ah yes, so I wouldn't be studying animation if I didn't see Platige Image production. I've always adored their animations.

It all started in early 2000's...
The first movie, which amazed me was 'The Cathedral' by Tomasz Baginski:

This film was nominated for Academy Awards in 2002. Masterpiece!
I love all details, growing animation, the mood and the story based on polish writer, Jacek Dukaj. I remember I started googling for 3D software. So it began.
As 3DS Max looked scary to me, I started animating in (then) Macromedia Flash. Just stupid cartoons. I took inspiration from JoeCartoon - a popular animated series, which I got on my FLOPPY disk from a friend.

Few years later another animation boom on polish forums - Fallen art also by Baginski's studio:

Everybody was familiar with Platige Image animation and renders style. Well, we said it was their trade mark. Another short refreshed my interest in animation and 3D graphics. But still I was to silly to draw or start learning.

Then again few years later, in 2007 comes 'The Ark'. A short film by Grzegorz Jonkajtys, well known polish animator, previously working in Platige Image.

The most stunning fact is, that everything beside characters, props and environment at the end is.. a model. Yes, great postproduction skills! In 2010 I was able to meet with Grzegorz - he said he chosen to create a model of environment because he was too tired of spending too much time staring at the computers screen. Well, great excuse!

Here is a link to great article about this short.
Okay, so that was the great factor of changing my decision what should I do in my life. I chosen Computer Games Modelling and Animation for BA degree.

 During my studies, many times I browsed Animation Mentor and Vancoover Film School student works.
Since I felt that.. something to animation. I knew what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Inspired by many reels, I started animation on my own (Animation module started in second semester on second year). Nothing special but I actually started doing something instead of salivating to really great works.
Also, I remember like it was yesterday. Animation module, first few classes, me googling for some inspirations and my tutor comes to me and shows me two videos:

Thing I loved to watch over and over again. Really inspirational. I always dreamed to make animation like guys at AM.

And second one:

We spent some time discussing how particular things were made. The endless possibilities of joining animation and post-production gave me a boost to learn things quicker.

So, I followed some tutorials and finished third year with my first short based on Austin Powers. Well, I don't want to show it again - the level is too low and I'm too ashamed.

A year of intern-ship at post-production studio gave me a lot of experience! Many things changed, I started to look more critical at my work. Aesthetics never been more important as well as good taste of motion.
And now, here I am, at Teesside University to level up my skills.

Platige Image is my aim.

Disney Animation Studios


  1. Animation Mentor is my aim in few next years (get some experience and those 400000PLN first). For now the plan is to study animation at University of Art in Poznań (I study painting/scenography there). Thanks for sharing and good luck :)
    HA!- We are both Capricorns!

    a w sumie to nie wiem czemu nie po polsku piszę :) dzięki za bloga i powodzenia


  2. Hej!
    Nie zdawałem sobie sprawy, że AM jest taki drogi. Kiedyś sobie przeliczałem, że w 80k PLN się zmieszczę (ale to kurs inny był).
    Tak czy siak - jest warty tyle kasy nawet za samą renomę.
    Jednak, jak studiuję teraz na Teesside to nie czuję się w cale gorszy. Zadania są podobne do tych z AM, a i tutorzy są wykwalifikowani i dają bardzo dobre rady.
    Szkoda, że ten Poznań wybrałeś. Z Polskiego podwórka to chyba tylko Drimagine się nadaje.
    Tak czy siak życzę powodzenia i napisz czasem co tam robisz :-)


    Writing about expensive AM course; How Teesside course looks like - not bad; Drimagine - Polish 3D and animation school (BA only) - good to study there; Best wishes :P
