
Acting for Animators

I'm really looking forward for tasks from newest module - Acting for Animators. Sounds like a lot of fun.

1. Acting Principles Presentation
There's always has to be a presentation. My topic to cover is 'A scene in negotiation'.
So, it's like two characters in a room with a one chair. The negotiation starts who should sit on that chair.
I've already borrowed 'Acting for animators' book by Ed Hooks. That will be great start for my presentation.

2. Mime task.
In a group of three, we create mime auditions. Everybody has to animate one character and then we will put it in one short film about auditions. The team is: 'RRR!' - Rachel, Rachel and Raff.
Also, as umm.. hmm.. 'maya expert' I'm going to teach or give advices for Rachel K how to easily and painless switch from Softimage to Maya. Fun fun fun!

3. Two-person dialogue
Basically, we get a sound clip from 11secondclub.com and animate both characters. That should be easy and fast to do, so I'll do my best with planning and all preparatory stage to get as many points as possible.

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