
Insomnia is Coming!

Couple of weeks ago, I have received an interesting e-mail, titled: 'Animator needed for FPS game'.
At first, I was sure it's a scam or another fake e-mail to subscribe something but.. further reading showed, that it is a real game developed by over 300 people from all over the world, including many artists from contests like Dominance War.
Then, I was sweetened by phrase 'which must be animated with such master like You.'
Yes! I know it's a template sent to hundreds, but still.. it's nice :-)
An interesting thing is, the team is driven by one man - Krzysztof 'Mr Game' Galus. Yes, he is Polish, which also amazes me (not many games are produced in Poland).

So, technically, this horror game is based on free game engine called FPSCreator.
At first, I was really concerned about that. Why won't they use something more professional like UDK or write their own engine but.. the point of the game is to prove, that no engine matters but script and graphics.
Here is technical demo created long time ago (so it's probably not actual at all):

The team has 50 members (+300 people, who donated game by their models) from countries like Italy, India, Iran, Korea, China, Australia, Russia or USA. Everybody works online, like SO/HO.

My duties are Rigging (most of the characters are not rigged and as far as I know the team has only few of riggers) and Animating.
The first character I have to animate (fortunately not rig) is sweet named 'Mr Dead':
model by Kruku

I have to animate 24 frames cycles like:
- Getting of the meat (yes, meat) walls
- Reaction, when sees the player
- Run
- Attack
- Damage from player
- Death

I have got the model but.. it's in MAX format. Well, as I'm MAYA animator, I have to wait till somebody exports rig to fbx file.. which is okay with me, because now I have much things to do on uni.

Here is an example of previous work from our team:

This post is an perfect example of how you should take care of your portfolio and make it looking good for potential employers.

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